

9:30am - Coffee and Donut Fellowship

9:45am - Sunday School (classes for all ages)

11:00am - Worship Service with Children's Church

5:30 – 7:00 PM – Kidz Life

5:45 – 7:00 PM – Youth

6:00pm - Bible Study


6:30pm - Bible Study

mission statement

“We seek to proclaim the Gospel to ourselves, to one another, and to a lost world.”

 Proclaiming the Gospel involves:

1. Exaltation:  Corporately glorifying God in

    worship, prayer, song, and the ministry of

    God’s Word.   


2. Evangelization:  Testifying to the saving

    Grace of God, found in Jesus Christ alone.


3. Edification:  Spiritually instructing and

    discipling growing believers from the

    Word of God.

upcoming events

Join Lebanon Baptist Church in our upcoming events, everyone is welcome.